Victim #5: Arimi

What happened to the always stylish Arimi in the manga? What were the animators thinking when they decided to give Arimi such a very strange and odd outfit?

The white leggings are not very attractive, especially if you're drawn with almost stick like legs. Although leggings were a very popular thing to wear back in '93-'94. The red boots are all right but not with this outfit. The whole thing is just a big NO. I wonder what the manga Arimi would say?

The sweater is too big for her and the yellow scarf is just not right for this outfit. And the ONE big, BIG fashion flaw is the hat. What is that? It looks more like a turban more than anything else.

If you've seen Arimi in this outfit in the anime or if you're going to, it's one of the few episodes that she is the exact mirror of Rei Ayanami, except for the eyes. I wonder if the animators for EVA somewhat modeled Rei after Arimi. After all, Ginta is always said to be an older looking version of Shinji.


>>>>Victim #6