More Unrequited Love

You and Suzu: This relationship would be just ridiculous and stupid. That's why it wasn't in the manga ^_^ Why would You go out with someone that was childish, talks in 3rd person and in 8th grade anyway? At least You's nice about it. And Suzu's determined to have him even though her actions end up being pointless.

You and Jinny: Hey, maybe this could work, you never know. Jinny is aggressive when it comes to You just like Arimi was way back when, in Jr. High (although Arimi is actually likable). Maybe if You didn't have Miki, he might go for it (But wouldn't he go for Anju instead?). If Arimi could talk him into going out with her, I'm pretty sure Jinny could too. But Jinny's a bitch even when she turned nice.

Jinny and Brian: This relationship might work if Brian wasn't so aggressive and always trying to impress her. He won't quit either, even when she flatly refuses him. Their relationship will forever be just friends. I think Brain was attracted to her just for her physical aspects anyway.

Miki and Michael: I think the only reason this relationship never saw the light of day was because Michael was too inconsiderate of her feelings, while Kei respected her. How dare he tell Miki to forget You, even though he and the rest of human kind knows that she will never get Mr. Marmalade out of her mind. He just wasn't mature enough.

Bill and Anju: Well this relationship isn't actually an unrequited relationship to begin with but in the eye-catches it showed a Bill, Jinny,Anju triangle where Anju is left looking defeated while Chibi Bill and Jinny are happy. In my opinion, as I mentioned in Bill's profile also, these two would be just PERFECT for each other. They would probably be up there with those two other perfect couples of MB, Miki and You and Ginta and Arimi. And they get along so WELL and they look good together. Just the same color eyes and hair alone make them a perfect match.