
May 15, 2001

Wow, I haven't written in this thing for a long time. And looking at my past entries I haven't been making sense. You can tell I wrote those entries late at night. I can't even spell.

March 31,2001

Well, let's see, what should I write about now... For awhile now, I've been really into EVA. There's just something about that show that really makes you feel disturbed. Or it might just be me. It's a little hard to understand, especially if you decide to just watch it once. I think I got 50% of it the first time around and even now, I still don't get it a 100%. Look at all the EVA sites out there. Most all of them are assumptions based on the facts. For example, all the kids that pilot those EVAs are 14. And only 14 year old kids are allowed to pilot the EVAs. That's a very important part of the show, but it wasn't explained flat out why only 14 year olds can pilot it. So we make assumptions to why that is... There's just so many religious symbolisms as well & it's just amazing to me. It's only 26 eps. & 2 movies, but it seems you just don't want it to end. To me, it was just amazing... It's no woder why the show is considered to be one of the best anime ever. Did you know it was 3rd on the list of the best anime of the century, voted by anime fans... Pretty cool...

March 30, 2001

Hi! I'm finally back from vacation. I went to the Philippies to visit my mom's family there. My Aunts, Ucles, Grandma, Grandpa... It was very exciting to see them again, since the last time my family visited there was 8 years ago. And boy, times sure change.

When we were there the last time, most of my Aunts and Uncles, all 11 of them were single and don't have any children. Now, most all of them are married and I finally have little cousins! Yay! It used to be that it was just my Mom, my Uncle Tony, and My Aunt Gloria that had kids. They were the three oldest in the family. So most of us older cousins are the same age. My cousins Mark and Oliver are the same age as me. We're the oldest in the whole cousin thing being 22. My sisters and cousin Kayleen make up the middle half, ranging from 14-18. Then our little cousins come in where one is 3, three are 2 and 1 is a year old, 1 is 5 months old and one is soon to come. Weird, huh? I love having a big family. And it's pretty cool that three are the same age. Just like me and my 2 cousins. And you know what else is weird about that? There's 2 boys and a girl that are the same age and in the younger set, it's 2 girls and a boy. ~Wow, am I boring you with this whole family thing? Or even losing your interest?~ Sorry. I just thought it was pretty interesting.

I can't imagine how my Grandma and Grandpa could manage 12 kids. My mom and my Uncle Conrado who's the youngest are 20 years apart. Can you believe that? I'm only seven years younger than him. That's amazing. Of course, I can name all of 12 of them from oldest to youngest in 2 seconds.

It was so much fun being there. There were so many people in my Grandma and Grandpa's house because of the whole family reunion thing, that during breakfast, lunch and dinner, since the dining table only had 8 chairs, we would either eat buffet style or one set would eat first then another set would eat later. I think it took about 3 sets to make everyone finally eat. What do you expect with a houseful of cousins, aunts and uncles and new aunts and uncles and maids? So basically the fridge is always empty because there are never left overs (which is a good thing) and there's something new to eat everytime (My mom should take lessons). I think I gained about 50 pounds just eating the food. Finally, "Real" Filipino food. MMMM....

My only regret? I couldn't really talk to my little cousins that much because they could only speak Flipino a.k.a Tagalog. I can't speak Tagalog at all. Just very, very, I mean, very little (which I trully regret). But I can understand Tagalog though.... But I was talking to them in very broken and bad Tagalog but since they are only 3 and younger they can understand. So I was happy. I miss them so much. They have so much energy and spunk. Wow... Ok that's enough about my family for now. I'm getting sleepy.

Until next time

March 12, 2001

Hi guys. Wow I can't wait. I'm going on vacation for two weeks and will be stopping over in Japan. Cool. But we're only spending 2 hours at their airport. Hmm... I wonder if they have any Marmalade Boy stuff out there. Well that's it for now really. No rants nor opinions. See you in two weeks.

Bai, Bai

March 1, 2001

Can you believe it's already March? I don't know about you but to me it still feels like December or something, especially when I look at the weather.

Living in Vegas, you never know what kind of weather you're going to get. In December, we were in 60 degree weather. Even though my family and I have been living here for more than 6 years now, it still seems strange to me that I was wearing capris and sandals while buying Christmas presents. When we lived in Wisconsin it snowed up until March/April, so I'm not really used to a sunny Christmas. I love it whenever it snows. Instead of Spring and Summer, I would instead like it to be Winter and Autumn all the time. I love Autumn. Can't you tell? ^_^

Now, because of the weather, it's been 30/40 degrees here. And it's been raining like *cats and dogs* and Vegas isn't used to such weather so it's always, ALWAYS flooded whenever it rains this bad.

I feel sorry for the tourists who are coming here just now, thinking that it would be sunny. Speaking of that, the tourists are so weird. ^_^ Once you live here long enough, you learn to amuse yourself by watching totally confused tourists crossing the street and looking at small Vegas maps and stuff. And like 95% of them are always wearing hip pouches. I swear those things are like ugliest things you could possibly wear. I'm just used to Vegas I guess, so it's not exciting anymore. How many times can you really watch Pirates fighting in the middle of the city and talking statues inside a hotel until you get sick of it because you pass it everyday?

And also it's kinda weird that whenever I mention that I live in Vegas, some people automatically think that we all live in hotels or something of that sort. Yeah I wish. That would be heaven. ~Room service everyday...ahhh...~ When I spent a semester in Arizona one of my friends asked me something like, "So how is it there really? I mean is it different? Is there a suburb? Or does it all look like the Strip?"

I told her it looks exactly like any other city, it's just that Vegas has an excessive amount of *entertainment* ~the good and the bad.

The famous Strip of casinos is in the middle of the city and there are other big casinos scattered around here and there but if you ignore all that, it's a normal place. Grant it, you will probably never find a bunch of wedding chappels, strip clubs, bars, certain "entertainment" billboards, slot machines in grocery stores and gas stations, and a giant Pyramid, and a volcano erupting every 60 minutes, in your city but that's Vegas for you.

~Hmm... I don't know why I'm ranting about Vegas here but oh well. I just felt I needed to write it.~
Bai, Bai

Febuary 22, 2001

Well hello everyone! What do you think about a new Marmalade Boy Page?

This page is basically just about OPINIONS OPINIONS OPINIONS. Mine and yours. Do you have any little rant about something? Well, let's post it here. I for one, have many rants about Marmalade Boy but some of those are already in the sub pages.

Mainly, I really can't stand the flashbacks in every episode. I never really minded it the first time around but watching it again, it gets so tiring. How many times are they going to show Miki remembering something from the last few episodes and Shinichi telling Meiko that he was going out with Ryouko. It's like "I get it already. You don't have to show me anymore!" So mainly I just had to fast forward everything, until I can get the real story.

And what does everyone think of the animation? I like it most of the time, but there are other times in the series where the characters look just plain weird. Sometimes it looks like it was done by watercolor and it looks really really strange. Sometimes the animators also make the characters a bit too skinny and the guys have really tiny waists. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. It's also weird when they draw the guys with really big shoulders. It just looks odd.

But I love Marmalade Boy, I just have to pick on it though you know? But every anime has something wrong with them that really bothers everyone (In my SM site, there's a little sub page in the "Garden" where I talk about the characters' idiocracies). I can at least stand Miki's character even though she can become really annoying. But she's not an airhead. Not the kind of airhead Miaka is anyway, and Usagi too. She's just stupid and blind somtimes. Baka, Baka, Baka....

Ok, I'll stop now.
Til next time.