Here are a few things that I wished should have happened in Marmalade Boy. Maybe if you're a fan and visiting this, you'll agree or maybe not. If you're a new comer and just wanted to check what MB is about... well this is purely my opinion. The ending was great, the story was great, just how it should be but still I can't help it. I just have to write these down.

1) Meiko should have chosen Satoshi! And I can't believe she ditched the most perfect guy on the show to chase after her teacher.

2) Miki should have been MUCH stronger. What the heck? What happened to her strong personality in the Manga? I can't believe how selfish she was when You told her that he was going to America because of Architecture. All she thought about was herself. And not even thinking that You's going there for his future. Even my 14 year old sister understood why he was going there. But it had to take a little talking to with Satoshi to make her realize that she's BAKA for being so selfish. ~This is one of the things that really irked me about Miki's character~ (The same thing happened in Sailormoon when Mamoru left Usagi to go to college in America and Usagi, who you know is really not that smart, UNDERSTOOD, without anyone telling her. And she only cried once and that's it. And although she did worry, she did not lose it, and she does not get teary eyed every damn moment... But I know, I shouldn't be comparing).

3) Miki should not have gone out with Kei. ~Athough I gotta say, Kei was so very sweet when he was with Miki. *sigh*. When he told her he was going to grow up and be a man, he really kept his word. WHAT a Man!

4) You should have called her more often. There's a payphone
everywhere in NY. I think he could at least spend $10 or so for a 2 minute talk with Miki even when he's out with his friends.

5) Should have showed more of Ginta and Arimi ^_^

6) They should have done something with Kei and Suzu.

7) Ummm... When in New York, shouldn't people be talking in English? At least sometimes. Before I even saw the 3rd season, I at least thought the "Americans" were going to speak English but was a little disappointed when they didn't. It would have been cool not reading any subtitles for once.

8) Michael should have been less annoying. I think that kid needs some Ritalin.

9) Ryouko and Shinichi would have been great together. I wanted to see that. She waited for 9 years!

10) If Satoshi and Meiko weren't meant to be, why couldn't the
animators have given him a very lovely girlfriend? They gave Tsutomu a girlfriend and not Satoshi? :*(

11) Anju needs someone also. Poor Anju. She's very sweet.

12) Suzu shouldn't have been such a bitch in the beginning. How dare she kiss You.

13) You should at least stop being so darn nice and should push all those girls away who kissed him. By just staring blankly at them and not doing anything, he's making Miki more INSECURE. Normal guys would push them away. Kei for one would totally push them away, Ginta, Satoshi, Tsutomu, Shinichi... but You would never do that. cause he's "Nice" ~whatever~

14) That Ginta and Arimi break-up just didn't seem right. I don't think Ginta would have left Arimi, just because of Miki. But the episode was sad and sweet and it's one of my favorites so maybe it should have happened to show us how strong their relationship really is.

15) There should be less FLASHBACKS! I can't stand it. In every show, they show like 10 minutes of flashbacks.

::Marmalade and Mustard::