Rokutanda Tsutomu

Astrological Sign: Cancer b.1977
Blood Type: B
Love: Takase Yayoi
Hobby: Tennis, Making Challenges
School: Segaki Academy

Tsutomu is Ginta's cousin who, like Ginta, also has a fiery temper but probably more so. Tsutomu loves to make challenges and the targets are almost always You or Ginta. He always ends up being the loser of these challenges however and ALWAYS ends up getting a crew cut. But he looks MUCH better with short hair anyway..

For a VERY long time, he had an unrequited love for Arimi and has never given up on her no matter how many times she rejects him and make him cry. Because he says, "She's just so KAWAII!!" He's just so dedicated at chasing and following her around that you just gotta laugh. Especially when he followed her and Ginta around on that trip to Hokkaido. But with an all out fist fight with Ginta, that ended up with them making fun of each other, he officially gave up on Arimi with tears in his eyes. And he's true to his word.

Tsutomu is obnoxious, loud, and gets pissed of really easily. But he's just so funny. The best evidence of this would be New Year's when his fortune read "Bad Luck". Though, that was the day he also met Yayoi. Tsutomu became less annoying when he met her and during the end of MB, with a little help from Miki, he and Yayoi helped out Arimi and Ginta get back together again.

I like Tsutomu. He's so funny, especially when he cries and goes, "Arimi...." He just doesn't give up.

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