Meiko and Shinichi

"I'll probably love you the rest of my life..." ~Meiko

Meiko and Shinichi's relationship is probably the most "controversial" (if you call it that) out of all the couples in MB. Many disagree with this relationship but there are many who are OK with it. Is it really OK for a teacher to date a student because both of them love each other? Is it alright for a student of 15 to tell a man 8 years older than her that she loves him? Is it really OK for this man to accept it, even though he knows how young the girl is?

Maybe if I had not known their story I would say that none of those reasons are OK but watching Meiko and Shinichi together made me change my mind just a little bit. I still don't agree with it but watching the whole series, these two definately show how much they care and love each other.

When their relationship was revealed throught the whole school, Shinichi decided to resign as a teacher and move to Hiroshima to help out with his father's real estate business. Meiko was heartbroken when he did this and even decided to go after him at the train station, asking him if she could come with him.

Shinichi told her that she could not. Because if she did, she would be tied down and could never reach her full potential. He told her that she was young, beautiful, and smart, that she can do anything with her life and that she could find another man much better than him. But Meiko didn't want to hear about it. She told him that she would wait for him and asked him if he would come back for her. Shinichi told her that he couldn't make such a promise.


Usually whenever there's a Meiko and Shinichi scene, it's always a very sad sad moment. No matter what your view points are with this couple you couldn't help but feel for them especially during those Hiroshima scenes and when "Final Promise" starts to play.

It was in Hiroshima where Shinichi finally gave in to his feelings for Meiko and showed us all, who doubted him before, what his real purpose was, when he left Meiko not once but twice.

He and Meiko, much to the dismay and disapproval of her parents, get engaged and married in the end, where everyone was invited to their reception held in the Toryo grounds.

To me though, I would prefer Satoshi much better for Meiko. But I can see why now, that it's Shinichi that Meiko had fallen for right from the start....

(By the way, don't you think the chibi Shinichi's are the cutest thing?)