Miwa Satoshi

"I'm glad you can finally see through my charms"

Astrological Sign: Sagittarius b.1976
Blood Type: AB
Love: Akizuki Meiko
Hobby: Guitar, pursuing Meiko
School: Toryo High School

Miwa Satoshi is Toryo's Student Body President and is a popular Senior who could have any girl he wants but it's Meiko who stole his heart. He's very persistent and pushy. He has an ability to make everyone succum to his ways and has a knack in playing cards. :)

His first appearance in the show was in the library where he sat down next to You and just stared at him, making You think he was gay. Later on we find out what his real purpose was... that his father is THE Miwa Yoshimitzu himself. The famous architect that You thought was his father. When Yoshimitzu told them that You wasn't his son, You and Satoshi still retained their friendship. He is You's closest friend. Satoshi it seems, is the only one that could understand him and can actually make You confess to his true feelings.

Satoshi is by far probably the most understanding in the show. His heart was broken but he never showed the tears of regret. His charm is always there. And he's always there for everyone. For Miki (the prom episode was really sweet), for You on several occasions, and even his cousin. He loves to tease and is always determined. He showed his strength and character in Hiroshima. His love for Meiko is cleary shown in his eyes and the way he did all those things for her. He encouraged her to be herself, to write what she feels and to trust herself more often. I love the way he always makes her angry yet always makes her loosen up a bit.

He's every girl's dream guy in my opinion. He's funny, smart, NICE, captivating, he'll never fail to make you smile... He's basically the PERFECT guy, except that his father is a womanizer and his cousin is Suzu.

>>>Cast >>>Suzu