Miki and Ginta

Way back in the very beginning stages of MB, Ginta and Miki were supposed to be together in the end because it's obvious that they are very much alike. They are both Aries with a temper, they can be easily teased and their emotions are always shown through in their faces. They don't hide their feelings behind a smile and they are both very caring. But the story changed a bit, and Miki and Ginta will forever be just "friends."

Way back in 9th grade, Miki was in love with Ginta but was afraid to tell him because she thought he might reject her. She told Meiko that she did not have enough confidence in herself.

Then one day, in the tennis court, Ginta gave her a Wimbeldon pin that his cousin (Yes, THE Rokutanda Tsutomu ~who, if you think about it, kinda started the whole mess), gave him from England. Miki thought that since he gave the pin to her, that maybe he does like her after all.

So Miki wrote him a love letter and placed it inside a magazine that was in his bookbag. The problem was, the magazine did not belong to Ginta and the boy who owned it, decided to read the letter to the rest of the boys that were in the empty classroom. The guys asked Ginta if he felt the same way Miki did, Ginta nonchalantly said that Miki meant nothing to him. What Ginta didn't know was that Miki heard and saw the whole scene and even though Ginta tried to stop her from running away, it was too late. Miki was heartbroken and humiliated and started to cry in the street. Ginta, though he didn't say a word to Miki the next day, was also heartbroken and to prove his point, he showed up to school with a crew cut. (In the manga, Meiko explained to Miki that usually when your heart is broken, you cut your hair)

Two years passed and both Miki and Ginta became really close friends. Ginta still had feelings for Miki but didn't reveal his feelings to her until You came into the picture. He told her that even from the beginning, way back in Jr. High, he loved her. He told her the true story of that fateful day. That the magazine wasn't his, that all the guys at school had a crush on her because she was always cheerful, that the guys made a deal with each other that since they all liked Miki, none would date her, and that he was really happy to get that letter...

For a time, Miki was confused about who she liked /loved more. And her feelings of indecision was sparked even more when Arimi came into the picture... Miki of course, chose You eventually and Ginta was left to be the always devoted, caring, "best male friend". It was so sad when Ginta was watching Miki play tennis and he was holding his Toryo medallion with her picture inside. Ginta cares A LOT for Miki but after a big misunderstanding Ginta realized BIG time that his romantic feelings for Miki are completely gone...

Miki and Ginta look good together but they're just too similar to really make it a good match. Everytime they do something "lovey dovey" together, they'd probably make each other blush and then make each other angry and embarrassed whenever they tease each other. ~ But then again, maybe they do kinda make a cute couple if you think about it in another way. Ginta and Miki are the only two in the show that think or imagine themselves in chibi form whenever they're thinking about something in the back of their heads. I'm rambling, I know... But no matter what, Miki will always love You and Ginta will forever love Arimi and that's that.