The Perfect Match

So which Marmalade man or Woman would be a perfect match for you? Can you guess which couple or couples also have a perfect match based on their astrological sign? Well, let's find out....

Aries~ Ginta and Miki
Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac. The people born under this sign are agressive, enthusiastic, friendly and they express themselves through their actions instead of their words. Their most distinguishable trait is their hot temper but they are the kind of people who get mad very easily but quickly forget about it five minutes later. They are also a bit too forceful, reckless, selfish, impatient and agressive. They are very determined and they always have to contantly prove themselves to others and sometimes they do things without thinking it straight through.
Despite their faults though, the Aries are very cheerful and generous people. And their great kindess always makes them great friends.

The Perfect Match for the Aries
Leo and Sagittarius
The "OK" matches
Gemini and Aquarius
Stay Away From

Gemini~ You
Geminis are considered to be intelligent and communicative, making them great leaders. They hate being bored and they love the feeling of freedom. They always like to have fun and play practical jokes on people. They are also affectionate and generous. However, Geminis are also a bit superficial, unpridictable and moody.

The Perfect Match for Gemini
Libra and Aquarius
The "OK" matches
Aries and Leo
Stay Away From

Scorpio~ Meiko
Scorpios are beautiful people and are very intense, passionate, intelligent, jealous, and secretive. They get hurt VERY easily and they find it hard to forgive. They are also very sensitive people who are honest and loyal. Scorpios are regal and have a "cultured" tone of voice. They need to be loved and sometimes they can be clingy and cold.

The Perfect Match for Scorpio
Cancer and Pisces
The "OK" Matches
Virgo and Capricorn
Stay Away From

Leo~ Arimi
Being the lion, Leos like to be the center of attention and are very domeneering and a bit egotistical. They sometimes think that they are larger than life. They are also pushy and have A LOT of self confidence. However, Leos are also generous and helpful. They are romantic, sensitive and affectionate.

The Perfect Match for Leo
Aries and Sagittarius
The "OK" Matches
Gemini and Libra
Stay Away From

Cancer~ Tsutomu
Cancers are very cute people who pretend to be all tough on the outside but is really emotional and sensitive on the inside. They tend to act like a child and have a great sense of humor. They fear being alone and have many mood swings. Cancers are very FAMILY oriented.

The Perfect Match for Cancer
Scorpio and Pisces
The "OK" Matches
Taurus and Virgo
Stay Away From

Sagittarius~ Satoshi
Sagittarians are fun loving, generous, friendly and are very open to everything. They can manipulate many people with their charms and sense of humor... no one can resist them. They are sometime irresponsible and restless and they tend to drift towards relationships that are never allowed to develope. Sagittarians are described as the "life" of the party. They also love to give advise and are gifted story-tellers.

The Perfect Match for Sagittarius
Aries and Leo
The "OK" Matches
Libra and Aquarius
Stay Away From

Libra~ Suzu
Libras are described to be very beautiful people who loves to be loved. They can sometimes be a bit fickle, selfish and concerned with outward appearances so they tend to sometimes judge others by their looks. Libras like beautiful things and they love to entertain. They are also gracious and romantic.

The Perfect Match for Libra
Gemini and Aquarius
The "OK" Matches
Leo and Sagittarius
Stay Away From

Aquarius~ Kei
Aquarians are smart, original, and inventive. They seem to only feel comfortable with aquaintances. They tend to dream and think about a lot of things and so they give off the trait of always being aloof and detached whenever they are with others. Aquarians also tend to judge others harshly but they take their own faults for granted. Once you get to know them though, Aquarians can be the kindest people in the world.

The Perfect Match for Aquarians
Gemini and Libra
The "OK" Matches

Aries and Sagittarius
Stay Away From

Pisces~ Shinichi
Pisceans are cleaver and are everyone's friend. They are the kind of people who can't say "no". Their personality has many sides and has many moods. They are idealistic, dreamy, generous, kind and also a bit selfish. They love to teach and they have an air of mystery surrounding them. Pisceans are blind to looks and it's always "what's inside that counts" for them. They are very gentle and kind.

The Perfect Match for Pisces
Scorpio and Cancer
The "OK" Matches
Taurus and Capricorn
Stay Away From

The Marmalde Couples with the "Perfect Match"

Ginta and Arimi
Meiko and Shinichi
and Kei and Suzu

Kinda wierd that all the couples(or would be couples) are a "Perfect Match" except for Miki and You. Oh well, They probably go together by their blood types ^_^

::Marmalade and Mustard::