Tsuchiya Kei

Astrological Sign: Aquarius b.1979
Blood Type: AB
Love: Koishikawa Miki
Proposed love: Sakuma Suzu
School: Rakuyo Music High School
Hobby: Piano

Kei made his appearance during the end of the first season, when Miki fell on him as she was getting a tub of ice cream inside Bobson's freezer. Miki was so shocked and ashamed that she ran out of the freezer in a hurry, not noticing that she had dropped the Toryo medallion, where Kei eventually discovered it.

He fell in love with Miki, I suppose, when he watched her laugh and noticed how worried she was about the embarrassing incident. She asked him if he saw her medallion anywhere and though, Kei was about to give it back, when she mentioned that her 'boyfriend' had given it to her, he decided to keep it.

Because of this, Kei, along with Suzu managed to break You and Miki up for a bit, but try as he might, Kei was still not able to get Miki to love him~even when he composed a song for her.

Kei is a very gifted pianist, winning awards and recognition everywhere. But when his Sensei and his parents started to force him to play what THEY wanted instead of what he wanted, he quit playing, quit going to school and quit living with his parents. He found a job at Bobson's Ice Cream and moved into an apartment.

In the beginning, like Arimi, Kei's demeanor wasn't very desirable. He was arrogant, childish, selfish, and a spoiled brat. Although, it was clearly shown that he was just a very lonely boy who told Miki that he didn't have any friends because everyone at his school either admired him or were jealous of his talents.

When Miki confronted him about his faults and encouraged him to be more like a man on Christmas Eve, Kei took her advice. He went back to school, went back home and went back to the piano.

Kei disappears for a while on the show then, but when he returns, to again prove his worth to Miki, he becomes a very changed guy. He became a man. Someone very mature and understanding, which is why Miki eventually picked him over Michael. His whole character becomes very likable and romantic and sweet. He, like Satoshi also becomes every girl's dream man ^_^

The third season is focused on him more. While a love triangle was happening in America with You, Anju, and Jinny, a love triangle between Miki, Kei, and Michael was happening in Japan. I like the second version of the opening song which showed the love triangles.

>>>Cast >>>Anju